Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tool 2

PLNs are powerful! What an eye opener to go into our campus blogs and postings. Isn't it amazing what others have discovered, what they are doing, and the kind of impact it has on our students?  By posting, we can connect to others to ask questions, support, and share. It seems I did use a bit of a different approach to posting after reading the commenting advice. I am making more of an effort to engage the reader and extend the conversation. This is an exciting time in education. We are only a click away to new ideas and thoughts. I have had a Diigo account since this summer and the daily email of sites and blogs offer wonderful opportunities for learning and growing. There are so many and so little time that I try to just pick one a day to explore. If it has a special appeal to something that is relevant to something someone I know is doing at the time, I forward it on to them. Today there were three I just had to check out and share:

an awesome upgrade from Edmoto
How to use utube videos without the ads

The PLNs listed in Tool 2 are intriguing. My favorite is Josh S's, a 2012 teacher of the year in Educators PLN. I plan to check out: Learning is Messy Blog. It looks like something that may go outside the box.

    Tuesday, January 17, 2012

    Tool 1

    Tool 1 is complete. The hardest part of doing this was deciding on a VOKI. I can see using this to engage readers and to share ideas. Vokis can empower reluctant speakers to speak in front of a web audience instead of a group a peers.